Fabric Expansion Joints

Fabric Expansion Joints: A Flexible Solution for Thermal Expansion and Contraction

Fabric expansion joints are a type of flexible connection used to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction in ductwork carrying gaseous fluids, such as hot air, combustion gases, exhaust outputs, or for connecting two flanges.

Advantages of Using Fabric Expansion Joints

  • Flexibility: Due to their fabric structure, these joints are highly flexible and can prevent axial, angular, and lateral movements of ducts.
  • High thermal resistance: Fabric expansion joints can withstand temperatures up to 1000°C.
  • Corrosion resistance: These joints are resistant to chemicals and corrosive materials.
  • Noise reduction: Fabric expansion joints can significantly absorb sound and reduce noise pollution in the work environment.
  • Easy installation: These joints are easy to install and can be fitted without the need for special tools.
  • Cost-effective: Fabric expansion joints are cost-effective considering their numerous benefits.

Applications of Fabric Expansion Joints

  • Oil and gas industries: These joints are used in refineries, petrochemical plants, and oil and gas pipelines to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction of ducts.
  • Power plants: Fabric expansion joints are used in power plants to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction of steam and water ducts.
  • Chemical industries: These joints are used in chemical industries to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction of ducts carrying corrosive chemicals.
  • Food and pharmaceutical industries: Fabric expansion joints are used in food and pharmaceutical industries to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction of production line ducts.

Design Parameters for Fabric Expansion Joints

  • Type of passing fluid: The type of passing fluid, its chemical composition, and corrosiveness are important parameters in designing fabric expansion joints.
  • Temperature of passing fluid: The temperature of the passing fluid, considering thermal shock, is another important parameter in designing these joints.
  • Pressure of passing fluid: Fabric expansion joints are designed for relatively low pressures.
  • Required movement of the joint: The required movement of the joint should be considered in its design.
  • Type and amount of abrasive particles in the fluid: The type and amount of abrasive particles in the fluid should be taken into account.
  • Weather and environmental conditions at the installation site: The weather and environmental conditions at the installation site should be considered in the joint’s design.

Structure of Fabric Expansion Joints Fabric expansion joints consist of several layers of fabric and insulating material.

  • Outer fabric: The outer fabric of these joints is coated with silicone or Teflon to withstand environmental conditions such as precipitation, sunlight, water, oil, and pollutants.
  • Insulating material: The insulating material is chosen based on the operating temperature of the fluid flowing in the ducts.
  • Inner fabrics: To control frame vibrations and withstand the temperature of the fluid, the inner fabrics are made of fiberglass.

Types of Fabric Expansion Joints Fabric expansion joints are produced in various types, including:

  • Rectangular frame fabric expansion joints: These types of joints are suitable for rectangular ducts.
  • Circular frame fabric expansion joints: These types of joints are suitable for circular ducts.
  • Belt flange fabric expansion joints: These types of joints are used to connect two flanges.
  • U-shaped fabric expansion joints: These types of joints are used to change the direction of ducts.

Klevers Aryana company, with extensive experience in the production and supply of fabric expansion joints, offers ideal solutions tailored to your needs.

For more information and free consultation, contact Klevers Aryana experts.

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